Keyword: glyphosate


WHO Scientists Analyzing 2,4-D Cancer Links

08.06.2015 - At a meeting in Lyon, France, this week 24 scientists representing the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) will analyze scientific...


Residues of Glyphosate Found in Food and Body Fluids

17.04.2015 - Private labs in the US are said to have found significant residues of the glyphosate weed-killer, marketed by agrochemicals giant Monsanto as Roundup, in samples of honey, soy...


US Environmental Group Sues EPA Over Herbicide Approval

21.10.2014 - Close on the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) approval of Dow Chemical's controversial new weed killer Enlist Duo, the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC)...


Texas Seeks OK from EPA on Controversial Herbicide for Pigweed

24.06.2014 - The US Environmental Protection Agency is considering an emergency request by Texas regulators to allow cotton farmers to deploy a controversial herbicide, marking a new front in...