Keyword: EPA


Trump Gags EPA, Freezes Funds

25.01.2017 - Even before his controversial nominee for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, is confirmed by the Senate, newly inaugurated US President...


Senate Hearing Grills Designated EPA Head

19.01.2017 - Just as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been battening down the hatches and tying up regulatory loose ends before the administration of President-Elect Donald...


EPA to Evaluate Chemicals for Risk

17.01.2017 - For the first time in 40 years, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to evaluate existing chemicals sold on the US market that may pose risks to human health...


US Firms Urge Trump to Uphold Paris Accord

12.01.2017 - More than 350 companies headquartered or with operations in the US, including such diverse enterprises as Monsanto, Genentech, Unilever, L’Oreal USA and the Merck Family Fund...


Obama Administration Tightens Environmental Safety

23.12.2016 - As US President Barack Obama’s days in office wind down and in the gap before the next president, Donald Trump, takes office on Jan. 21, 2017, the so-called “lame duck” is showing...


Trump Names Climate Change Skeptic to Head EPA

09.12.2016 - As he continues choosing personnel to fill positions in his new cabinet, the US president-elect, Donald Trump, has turned to another polarizing figure, Scott Pruitt, to head the...


EPA to Test 10 Chemicals Under new TSCA

05.12.2016 - The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the first ten chemicals it plans to evaluate for potential risks to human health and the environment under the amended...


Trump Seen as Bowing to Fossil Fuels Industry

30.11.2016 - As US president-elect and prior to that as a candidate, Donald Trump has taken many positions that dismay environmental advocates. The New York businessman turned politician, who...