Keyword: Dow Chemical


Judge Orders Dow Chemical to Pay $1.2 Billion in Price-Fixing Case

16.05.2013 - A federal judge in Kansas City, Kansas, ordered Dow Chemical on Wednesday to pay $1.2 billion in a price-fixing case involving chemicals used to make foam products in cars...


USDA Says More Review Needed for New Monsanto, Dow GMO Crops

10.05.2013 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture said Friday that it will assess the environmental impact of controversial new biotech crops developed by Dow AgroSciences, a venture of Dow...


EU to Ban Pesticides Blamed for Harming Bees

29.04.2013 - The European Union will ban three of the world's most widely-used pesticides for two years because of fears they are linked to a plunge in the population of bees critical to the...


U.S. GMO Food Labeling Drive Has Biotech Industry Biting Back

26.04.2013 - New efforts to force labeling of foods made with genetically modified crops, including a bill introduced by U.S. lawmakers Wednesday, have struck a nerve with biotech crop...


Dow Chemical Sees Farm Products Driving Profit This Year

25.04.2013 - Dow Chemical posted a better-than-expected 33% jump in quarterly profit as farmers in the Americas bought more of its seeds and pesticides, overshadowing a decline in European...


Some U.S. Farm Groups Vow to Protect Pro-Monsanto 'Rider'

04.04.2013 - A number of U.S. farm groups want to extend a law that allows farmers to grow a genetically modified crop while regulatory approval of the variety is still being challenged in...


Dow Chemical to Build Specialty Plants on U.S. Gulf Coast

18.03.2013 - Dow Chemical said it plans to build several specialty material production plants on the U.S. Gulf Coast to take advantage of cheap shale-derived natural gas. Margins in Dow's...


Arbitrator Sets Final Dow Chemical Payout from Kuwait Venture

04.03.2013 - Dow Chemical said an arbitrator has ruled it is owed $2.48 billion by a Kuwaiti firm that scuttled a 2008 joint venture, though it is not clear when the funds will be paid. The...