Keyword: climate change


Trump’s Climate Deal Exit Disappoints Chemical Industry

04.06.2017 - The US chemical industry has expressed its disappointment over President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate change agreement. Under the landmark deal finalized in December...


CEOs Urge Trump to Keep Paris Climate Treaty

19.05.2017 - Leaders of major companies, including several chemical producers, have published an open letter in business newspaper Wall Street Journal urging US President Donald Trump not to...

Markets & Companies

Environment Rollback Roils America

31.03.2017 - With the shock waves from 2016’s most unanticipated events – Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as US president – still reverberating, the earth sometimes seems to be tilting...


Senate Hearing Grills Designated EPA Head

19.01.2017 - Just as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been battening down the hatches and tying up regulatory loose ends before the administration of President-Elect Donald...


ExxonMobil CEO Chosen for US Secretary of State

19.12.2016 - Continuing in the mode of choosing people for his cabinet who are not politicians and who have ties to industry, US president-elect, Donald Trump, has chosen ExxonMobil’s chairman...


Most Scots Back Fracking Moratorium

24.11.2016 - Supporters and opponents of fracking in Scotland continue to be divided as to the merits of shale gas exploration, but more than half of those responding to a poll taken after...


Environment MEPs Specify CO2 Targets

28.09.2015 - The European Parliament’s delegation to the COP 21 climate talks scheduled to be held in Paris from Nov. 30 to Dec.11 must call for a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a...

Markets & Companies

Low Oil Prices Pose Challenges for European Chemical Industry

24.03.2015 - The sharp drop in oil prices in the second half of last year is causing some dilemmas not only for individual chemical producers in Europe, particularly those making petrochemicals...