Keyword: chemical industry

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Protecting Environment and Yields

05.06.2015 - With global population expected to increase by nearly 40% during the next 85 years, optimizing arable land and securing food supply is a necessity. Crop protection is essential in...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

New Openings for Oil and Gas Chemicals

05.06.2015 - The outlook for producers of chemicals used in the exploration and production of oil and gas has not been promising after the crash in oil prices in the second half of 2014...

Strategy & Management

Perstorp Enters Next Development Phase

05.06.2015 - Perstorp has been a well-known name in chemistry for over 130 years. Founded in 1881 as a producer of acetic acid and later formalin, the Swedish company went through an eventful...


EU Denies Holding Back on EDCs Under Pressure

26.05.2015 - The European Commission has denied reports it held back on farther-reaching legislation regulating endocrine disruptors (EDCs) due to pressure from both the chemical industry and...

Mechanical Processes

Beumer's Paletpac Layer Palletizer: Economical, Flexible, Eefficient

Beumer Group GmbH & Co. KG - Beumer provides complete packaging lines for companies in the chemical industry. The intralogistics specialist has optimized the Beumer Paletpac high-performance layer palletizer...

Markets & Companies

Intellectual Property in China’s Chemical Industry: How To Protect a Key Component of Success?

07.05.2015 - Chemicals are an increasingly mature industry with a high degree of competition. In this situation, industry participants need to consider how to differentiate themselves and stay...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

New Challenges in Chemical Purification

07.05.2015 - Purification of chemical compounds has become a vital part of most industrial processes. Germany, with some of the tightest chemical sector regulations in Europe, has seen ion...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Roles Under REACH (Part 4)

06.05.2015 - Almost eight years have passed since REACH went into effect, but some problems remain in regard to joint submissions. The cooperation of members within consortia is arranged by...