Keyword: chemical industry

Chemistry & Life Sciences

It Takes Two to Tango

03.04.2017 - In the drive to reach growth objectives, or to maintain and enhance “critical mass”, mergers & acquisitions (M&A) has been a theme for the chemical distribution industry for years...

Logistics & Supply Chain

U-Turn in the Supply Chain

03.04.2017 - Industry 4.0, Big Data, SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies) — these buzzwords all point to one thing: the digitalization trend. This development means...

Logistics & Supply Chain

It All Starts with Chemistry

03.04.2017 - Reviewing the list of the world’s top chemical companies will confirm “the chemical industry touches all other industries.” You will see the inventors of Aspirin, Teflon, Saran...


Brexit Should Not Weaken EU, Says VCI

29.03.2017 - Brexit negotiations set to begin now that the UK has triggered Article 50 of the EU Treaty, regulating its exit, should not further weaken the European Union and put its...

Strategy & Management

Imagine Chemistry: AkzoNobel's Challenge Generates More than 200 Ideas

22.03.2017 - An enthusiastic response to AkzoNobel's Imagine Chemistry initiative has resulted in more than 200 innovative ideas being submitted by chemistry start-ups, scientists, research...


Chinese Firms Eye Chemicals JVs in Pakistan

07.03.2017 - Chinese as well as Indian companies are eyeing joint ventures in chemical production in Pakistan, according to reports from a meeting between representatives of the three countries...


Industry Pushes EU to Boost Competitiveness

24.02.2017 - European industry is turning up the heat on the EU’s institutions to finally come up with a plan to help manufacturers become more competitive. In a joint paper, called the “Joint...


Industry and Trade Groups Welcome EP’s CETA Vote

17.02.2017 - The European Parliament’s approval on Feb. 15 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada has been welcomed by the European Chemical Industry...