- Interview with Steven Serin, CelaneseHow has 2009 been for your company from a financial standpoint? S. Sterin: We are very pleased with the strong performance across all our...
- Accountability - The Responsible Care (RC) program is not just for makers of chemicals; distributors also see themselves called upon to do their part in promoting environmental and...
- Rainy Days -The recession that has had the entire world in its grips over the last year has shown just how intertwined the chemical industry is with nearly all businesses around...
- Strategy - Industrial production still has a great potential in Germany. A joint study by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, the German Federation of Industry (BDI) and IW Cologne...
- Under The Surface - A recent study in the chemical industry performed by Celerant Consulting looks at the reactions, attitudes and handling of corporate changes during this crisis...
- At Schütz in Selters, the ongoing development of innovative products and services is an integral part of day-to-day business policy. Against this background, the Industrial...
- Swiss-based Bertschi has announced expanding its global reach by partnering with U.S.-based A&R Logistics to form a new joint venture, named Alliance Logistics. Globally asset...
- Israel's Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Swiss drugs industry supplier Lonza Group won approval from the European Commission for a joint venture in the biosimilar industry. The...
- Chemicals producers and governments have agreed to step up efforts to push for greater safety in chemicals from lead in paint to microscopic substances. But non-governmental...
- Mid-May the news broke that JLM Industries Tampa, Floa., U.S., has closed because the company's equity funding firm became insolvent and was forced to withdraw cash and credit. "In...