- Soaring use of man-made gases used in refrigerators, air conditioners and fire extinguishers risks speeding up global warming and industry should adopt alternatives, a U.N. report...
- For years after the North American Free Trade Agreement came into force, the main road to riches for many Mexican entrepreneurs was across the border. Now they are increasingly...
- Finland's Kemira warned full-year profit could fall as demand for chemicals from its paper industry and municipal water authority customers weakens. The company said it now...
- China Petroleum & Chemical Corp (Sinopec) and Kuwait Petroleum Corp have started building their joint refining and petrochemical complex in the southern Chinese province of...
- AkzoNobel said it will invest €45 million in a new dicumyl peroxide (DCP) plant at its Ningbo multi-site in China to meet a growing local, regional and global demand. Widely used...
- One of Germany's wealthiest families has revived a household name in the bullion industry with its purchase of 150-year Degussa, a gold and silver producer, that aims to tap into...
- In an effort to increase the chemical sector's attractiveness to young people, the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) has announced a partnership with European Schoolnet...
- Brent crude slipped below $112 on Wednesday, reversing some of the previous session's gains on worries that new governments in Greece and Italy may fail to muster political clout...
- China's central planning agency has fined two middlemen for attempting to control the market for a drug compound, and thereby driving up the cost to make a blood pressure medicine...
- The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide the fate of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law in the coming year, charting a course that will have an impact on the 2012...