- First Round - By Dec. 1, 2010, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) had received approximately 25,000 registration dossiers for about 4,700 different chemical substances that are...
- Drugs industry supplier Lonza Group ditched Chief Executive Stefan Borgas after profit last year plunged by a third and warned 2012 would pose further challenges because of a...
- Billion-Dollar Industry - The illicit trade in counterfeit pharmaceuticals is worth an estimated $200 billion a year and has obvious implications for public health. A range of anti...
- Framework - When asked, most people say that they believe regulations should avoid dictating specific technologies but instead should dictate desired outcomes and let industry...
- Bio-Logical - Indiana is developing a breakthrough that will change the future of life sciences. It's a new way of encapsulating the infrastructure, tax incentives, research...
- Down South - Atlanta has a healthy biosciences community with a rich mix of pharmaceutical, medical devices, diagnostic and medical supply companies; contract laboratory...
- New Year, New Name - Like every year, the 2012 trade show season will kick off with the Informex in the States. But this year, a few things will be different: The show is being...
- Pacesetter - Evonik recently made news when it opened its laboratory for highly potent APIs (HPAPIs) in Hanau, Germany while expanding its cGMP capacities for these ingredients to...
- Fast-growing, resource-hungry China continues to invest in oil and gas assets from Canada to Latin America to Australia in 2011, and also sees a few acquisitions in the nuclear...
- Optimism Springs Eternal - 2011 was a year fraught with uncertainties, and many industries are wearily eyeing the year to come. The state of the worldwide economy as well as the...