Industry Leaders Call for Urgent Actions to Boost European Competitiveness
Antwerp Declaration For A European Industrial Deal
During a European Industry Summit held on the site of BASF in Antwerp, leaders from basic industry sectors, representing 7.8 million workers in Europe, joined forces with European trade unions and European leaders to address pressing concerns regarding Europe’s industrial landscape. The ‘Antwerp Declaration’ emphasizes the critical importance of clarity, predictability, and confidence in Europe’s industrial policy.
“Basic industries in Europe are grappling with historical challenges: demand is declining, investments in the continent are stalling, production has dropped significantly, and sites are threatened," commented CEFIC President, Martin Brudermüller. "We want to drive the transformation of our companies. For this, we urgently need decisive action to create the conditions for a stronger business case in Europe. ‘The Antwerp Declaration’ outlines a pathway ahead. By placing the European Industrial Deal at the forefront of Europe’s strategic agenda, the EU would pave the way for a resilient, competitive, and sustainable Europe. This is the only way to show the rest of the world that the Green Deal works for all.”
The Antwerp Declaration outlines 10 concrete actions, including integrating the EU Industrial Deal into the broader European Strategic Agenda, streamlining legislation, and simplifying the State Aid framework. It calls for transforming Europe into a global leader in providing abundant and affordable low-carbon energy through strategic partnerships and robust infrastructure. Signatories from diverse sectors emphasize competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience. This urgent call aims to revitalize Europe’s industrial landscape, marking the implementation of the European Green Deal.
European Chemical Industry Council - Cefic aisbl
Avenue Van Nieuwenhuyse 4
1160 Brüssel