De Neef Chemical Processing is a leader in the purification and recycling of organic solvents and chemical intermediates mainly used in chemical processing, paint and pharmaceutical industries.
We can either custom refine and return the purified product to customers' specifications (tolling distillation) or we can acquire used solvents, reprocess and sell these through our own wide range of solvent sales channels. DNCP has expertise in a broad range of technologies and processes to contribute to circular economy. Our licenses allow us to accept 3 MT up to 3000 MT and more of raw materials, by-products, off-spec materials and waste solvents.
DNCP offers a mix of high technology, quality, flexibility and know-how in chemical waste recovery and purification of chemical intermediates at two multipurpose facilities across Belgium.

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Industriepark 8
2220 Heist-op/den-Berg
+32 (0)15 25 74 61