
Strong Growth of The Operating Result for Chemicals and Plastics Activities

REBIT for continuing activities up by 75% in the 4th quarter of 2010 (EUR 155 million) and by 94% overall for the year (EUR 602)

17.02.2011 -


  • Group sales (EUR 7,109 million); sales for continuing activities (EUR 6,796 million) up by 19% compared to 2009, in the context of a more sustained global activity (+14% in the 4th quarter)
  • Group operating result[1] (EUR 633 million[2]), of which EUR 602 million for continuing activities
  • Overall, the operating result benefited from better sales volumes and significant efforts to control costs
  • Chemicals (EUR 312 million): up by 16% compared to 2009 thanks to improvement in sales volumes across all activities
  • Plastics (EUR 360 million): up by EUR 274 million compared to 2009 especially thanks to significant increase in sales volumes in Specialty Polymers
  • Horizon reorganization project: Board approval on February 16th 2011; non-recurring charge of EUR 74 million in the 4th quarter 2010
  • Net income of Group (EUR 1,823 million) significantly improved thanks to the capital gains realized on the sale of the pharmaceuticals activities and on the sale of Inergy Automotive Systems
  • Dividend proposed: EUR 3.0667 gross (EUR 2.3 net) per share (up by 4.5% compared to 2009)